Saturday, April 26, 2014

Review: TheFaceShop E'thym Collagen Water Moisture Lotion

This is my go to lotion whenever the Philippines hits the *~cold~* season, -ber months. My skin dries up so bad it flakes super disgusting. Been using this for the whole -ber months of 2012 and 2013.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Review: MAC lipstick in Chatterbox | Hunt for the perfect pink lipstick

The search is on for the perfect pink lips! Audition starts at...wait, Hahahaha College days, I thought pink lips will wash me out and it's a bit for me. For four years, I've been sporting nude lips! I've been meaning to try pink lipsticks since I saw a blog post from all of the bloggers and videos of Vloggers featuring their COLLECTION of pink lipsticks! It proved me wrong about my thoughts of the pink lipsticks are only for the fair skin.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Makeup Related Birthday Gift!

I turned 2NE1 (twenty-one) yesterday! The mother got me something and guess what? (unless, you scrolled down so yeah, you knew it) T-W-O MAC lipsticks! 'cause I am a grown woman like that. Hahaha no. But I've come to a legal age! Who wants to go with me to a strip club? (I know Barney of HIMYM wants to)
Check me up next week or maybe this week for reviews of these lovelies!
Images by Freepik